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Russell Poldrack, Stanford

Russ Poldrack's lab in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University uses the tools of cognitive neuroscience to understand how decision making, executive control, and learning and memory are implemented in the human brain. They also develop neuroinformatics tools and resources to help researchers make better sense of data. In our main collaboration, the Neuroimaging Analysis Replication and Prediction Study (NARPS), we study how analytical variability affects fMRI results, together with almost 200 researchers around the world [see paper].


Lesley Fellows, McGil

Lesley Fellows’ laboratory in the Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery at McGill University studies the brain basis of decision making in humans and how focal brain damage affects decision making. The aim of our collaboration is to study whether the ventromedial frontal lobe (VMF) is critical for the non-reinforced preference change induced by Cue-approach training (CAT).


Maya Tamir, HUJI

Maya Tamir’s laboratory in the department of Psychology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem studies emotional regulation. The aim of our collaboration is to study the change in preferences towards emotional stimuli and to investigate generalization across different emotions following training.


Jonathan Berant, TAU

Jonathan Berant’s laboratory in The Blavatnik School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University studies Natural Language Understanding problems such as Semantic Parsing, Question Answering, Paraphrasing, Reading Comprehension, and Textual Entailment. The aim of our collaboration is to harvest the power of advanced NLP tools to apply data-driven approach and computational modeling on linguistic data to deepen our understanding in the underlying neural processes.

Jonathan Berant.tiff

Nathaniel Daw, Princeton

Nathaniel Daw’s lab in the neuroscience institute and department of psychology in Princeton university specializes at computation cognitive neuroscience. In a collaboration with Prof. Daw, we designed Bayesian computational models for learning in the Cue-Approach Training (CAT) paradigm. We identified computational markers which predicted individualized differences in behavioral change following training.


Daphna Shohamy, Columbia

Daphna Shohamy's laboratory in the Kavli Institute for Brain Science, the Department of Psychology and Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University, studies how the brain supports learning, memory, and decision making in humans. In our collaboration, we study the interactions between value-based decision-making and memory processes, specifically in non-reinforced behavioral change.


Aya Meltzer-Asscher, TAU

Aya Meltzer-Asscher’s laboratory in the Sagol school of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University studies the cognitive and neurophysiological basis of language processing and production in the adult, healthy brain, using a linguistics-oriented interdisciplinary approach.  The aim of our collaboration is to study the neural basis of language representation by exploring the involvement of reward systems and other decision making mechanisms during the processing of language.


Yael Hanein, TAU

Yael Hanein’s laboratory in the School of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University specializes in neuronal interfaces, in particular we study new micro and nano devices aimed to interface directly and indeirectly with the brain. The aim of our collaboration is to combine readings form both VR adapted eye-tracking device and skin-adhesive electrode array of surface electromyography (sEMG), latter developed in Prof. Hanein’s lab. We will apply machine learning algorithms on readings from these sensors to identify the personal signals pattern in different internal states and individually optimize learning  and behavioral change in a closed-loop immersive virtual reality (VR) experience.


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